Information about POC ( Point of contact )

Point of contact (POC)  is the person who is solely responsible for representing the client side for a particular project. He/She is responsible for arranging inputs, providing changes & approving projects. This helps in faster & unambiguous communication. There may be multiple interested participants in any project in such case, we recommend clients to have an internal discussion  & then forward verdict to us through POC. 

We have two type of POC in our software 

a. Technical: Person who will be responsible for providing technical data, inputs, changes & approvals on project

b.  Accounts: Person who will discuss for bills, GST, payments & handle payment follow-ups etc.

How we use POC information:

 After getting confirmation of contact details, we update in our software and the POC ( technical ) gets a regular update in form of SMS, Email & even phone calls also.  We send frequent emails/sms for pending data, inputs & approvals. 

Can I stop receiving the updates:

In case you are busy or do not want to be disturbed by these communications, pl write a mail to your project head, who will help you shut the update service for you. However, we need least one form of communication to communicate with client representative. 

Can I request for change of POC: 

Yes you can request us for changing contact person details. Please send email to your project head with authorizing email id, with new person details keeping, new POC in cc & we will change that information in our software. After the change, all updates shall be delivered to new POC.

Can two person become POC:

Unfortuantly, two POC for the same project is not possible. We, however, suggest that you may discuss internally & communicate your decision/changes etc through POC. This will help in avoiding communication gap.  

What if my boss/senior is the approval authority but I have to provide inputs :

In such cases, we suggest remaining POC till you provide all your inputs & once through, request POC change to your senior/ Boss. Ideally, the person who is responsible for approval/changes should be the POC

Can I send inputs from different if email id or other than POC id:

Yes, number of people can share required input/ data, it is not just restricted to POC, however any clarification on input, pending data etc shall only be communicated to POC

What if I have a chain of command to approve/changes:

It should not be a problem as long as everybody is on same page & communication is clear.  POC is still playing the important role and he is responsbile to share every change suggested by his/her chain of command to project head here in our company. You can also plan for the conference call, online joint meeting or mail of all concern in cc to circulate or discuss the same information.